søndag 21. november 2010

You seem so out of context.

"..You seem so out of context in this gaudy apartment complex
A stranger with your door key explaining that I am just visiting
And I am finally seeing
Why I was the one worth leaving.."

torsdag 11. november 2010

This Autumn

Trees on fire, lighting up the sky with shades of yellow, orange and brown. The world seems to have golden glow, the crispy air carry the comfortable smell of something burning far away; grass on fire, being prepared for next spring.

I love this time of year. I love the freshness of the air, I love the cold and crispy feel to my skin, I love how it's not too cold yet.

I love walking through carpets made of fallen leaves, I love how they soar through the air as I kick them up from the curve. I love kicking the leaves.

I love the fact that we have so many seasons, I love them all; The white winter, The spring bringing back the sun and warmth and colors, The hot or/and rainy summer with my favorite smell of new cut grass, and the beautiful autumn with all the beautiful colors of fire and passion and love.

It makes me want to fall in love. It makes me want to write poems and metaphors about how you remind me of this season. It makes me want to burn you a mix tape containing my favorite music at the moment. When you take the time to burn somebody a mix tape, then you are really into that person. I want that.

The Morning Benders - Wet Cement

Arctic Monkeys - 505

Band of Horses - The Funeral

Broken Bells - The High Road

Broken Bells - Trap Doors

Broken Bells - Mongrel Heart

Broken Bells - The Mall and Misery

Ok, so The WHOLE frickin' Broken Bells album is FANTASTIC! I was about to put up the "vaporize" tune, but I would not have stopped until I had shared the entire album.. so lets stop right here and you go buy the album or something. Every single song is this great. Fun fact: Do you recognize the vocalists voice? It is James Mercer, from The Shins. Broken Bells is a project started by him and the producer Danger Mouse, who formed Gnarls Barkley together with Cee-Lo Green.

And since I'm mentioning Cee-Lo AND Band Of Horses:

Cee-Lo Green - No One's Gonna Love You (Band Of Horses Cover)

Band Of Horses - No one's Gonna Love you (The original song)
"You are the ever living ghost of what once was" <3

Which one do you prefer? I like them both!

Florence + The Machine - The Dog Days Are Over

Florence + The Machine - Cosmic Love

Freelance Whales - Ghosting

I was supposed to share the song "Starring" by the Freelance Whales, but I could not find any video with good sound. I want to make sure you check it out though, so here goes a random homemade video by somebody I don't know..


MGMT - 4th Dimensional Transition 

 *     *     *

One of the few R'n'b tracks I like lately is this one by Nicki Minaj. You may recognize the sample from Annie Lennox's "No More I Love You's". 
I also love this Asian inspired video.

Nicki Minaj - Your Love

Kanye West - Runaway

And with this I say goodbye to this wonderful autumn and welcome the chilly winter: It's snowing outside! :)